Sunday, February 8, 2015

Freedom to Speak

At a high school in Jeffersonville Indiana the student's first amendment rights were violated. The Journalism teacher of the school, Kelly Short, was suspended by the school for not censoring her students writing in the school newspaper. She told her attorney, "I'm not going to enforce an unconstitutional policy in my classroom". She was suspended with pay by the school because of this belief.

One of the students published an article in the newspaper criticizing the schools administration regarding the cost and placement of the security cameras. In my opinion, Short became the scape goat for what I believe to be the school's embarrassment. Kelly Short is actually correct because, the school is a public institution which means they receive money from the government which bars them from creating a speech code. The supreme court stated that they cannot place any prior restrictions on speech like that. The school cannot comment on the pending lawsuit, but I know if I was in the school administration I would be a little concerned.

The school should not be restricting the students rights to speak their opinions. The school should have a teacher that reads over the articles for grammatical and structural errors, but they shouldn't be allowed to edit or veto the students content. The reason the school shouldn't be allowed to censor or alter what the students write or say is because that is a direct violation of their freedom of speech.

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