Thursday, May 7, 2015

Klansville USA

With the exponential growth of the Civil Rights Movement there were many people that were not happy about all the change. Many white americans felt as though the African Americans would be taking away there privileges and opportunities. The caused many people to join the KKK or the Klu Klux Klan. Now the southern states were really not to active when it came to the number of Klan members. The state although with the largest number of active Klan members was North Carolina. This cause many to wonder why does North Carolina have such a vibrant Klan life?

The head Klan members do the best that they can to persuade as many white americans as they can to joining the Klan. The Klans main goal and what they really wanted was a "pure white American" country. Some of the members of the Klan were really not active members. When I say they weren't active members this means they really only attended the retreats and not the violent aspects of the Klan. A lot of families attended the rallies because they contained live music, food, entertainment and preachers ranting about the needs and desires of the white people. When a whole town is attending the rally it causes others to feel more comfortable with joining and going to the rallies.

Overall this short film was very entertaining and very beneficial for my educational purposes. I learned several things, but the one thing I really took from it was how big the KKK actually was during this time. I originally thought it was a bunch of crazy guys running around in sheets killing African Americans. It turns out I was wrong and the Klan is actually a lot more prevalent then I anticipated. With the millions of people attending the rallies it really showed the country the immense number of members, and really the possible impact they could have on the country.

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